Long time since we've sat down for a cup of tea and talked , am i right? Well, it's time now, isn't it, to have our little story telling. Have i told you what's happening lately in my life? No? Well, here goes, alright. It had been ages, ages, i say, that i'd start thinking about days that had passed.
It's getting drizzly, Malaysia, and even hotter. Hotter, and wetter, i told myself. Been out and in, from buildings, and people's minds. Getting busier with Exams that ended last week, with the family outing and dance we're having this week, with Cyberlink party last sunday, outing with Jillian tomorrow (which likely not to be happening for me since i'm going out for the family thingy), Badminton every Saturday (which supposedly will be tomorrow but AGAIN not happening), a few fights here and there, heart stranded here and there.
I've also been video editing quite a lot, and re-writing the stories i've written quite fail-fully. Kak Wai had just been to UIA, and I'm sorta alone every morning, after mama would leave for work. I get weird feelings every morning, but i try to shake it off. Kak Wai going away is a bad and a good thing. Good thing is, she won't be nagging me to clean up the house, bad thing is, i'd be responsible of cleaning up the house. I'm not sure, if i'm ready to take that responsibility.
Ayah's out, too, (to Indonesia) and only be coming back so long from now. We can't celebrate his birthday this year, but we made sure he'd be surprise by the card we've sent him, yes, it's one of those singing twinkling cards, singing about him being 50. Yes, the big five zero.
My marks are not so good, not so bad, i'm half satisfied. I don't think anything lower than 75 would exceed my satisfaction. I'm up for an A, not a B+. I hate getting so close to 75. (Yes, i got BM 73) -.-
Nevermind, I'm taking my mind off of things, and i enjoyed reading Harry Potter, yes, 4 books in a week, already. I'm so psyched. But, being able to ead 4 books in a week is a sign, either that i'm so rajin, or i have no life, or both. I choose both. Bingo.
Life? Maybe i do have a life, but it's as if all of my soul had been sucked up by a dementor.
I'm hungry. Who's up for Mama's food? I'm in. I'm off. Ciao.
Friday Friday, June 04, 2010 back to top?