okay, you all deserve an explanation on my sudden "i dislike people", post thingy. Wellllllll, where do i start.
Safiyyah Shaharuddin Khalilah Anis Aryani Mawaddah
Nadia Dalili Aida Khairunnisa Puteri Aisya Marissa Aznur Basyir Ashley Soong
Aliah Alhabshi Nuri Isfahana Akmal Hafizuddin Amira Balqis Aziq Kamarudzaman.
Those names up there are those i once trusted. Some of them, i still do. 5 of them somehow, had grown apart from me.
One - This person knows one of my deepest secrets. But now all i think about this person is a self absorbed attention seeker.
Two - This person knows EVERYTHING about me. She just annoys me by being less interested in what else i've got to tell her.
Three - Our biiiiiiig fight led us to not being able to trust each other again.
Four - This person is just ANNOYING. Thinks he knows so much about me pft.
Five - Doesnt care about me the way i cared about him/her.
Guess which one you are. jerk.
Sunday Sunday, March 28, 2010 back to top?