Take my breath away
I'm SPYderman
The little things you do.
I'm only going to break your heart.
i have my reasons
sing to me the songs of the stars
i sang that song to aliah. and i ended up singing 'twinkle twinkle little stars' after tht.
hey, ii've gotten closer to more people!
of the galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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i never thought i would say this to you.
"Love will give you one pleasure. But a thousand of sufferings" - someone i don't remember said i've completed my Karangan. i never thought i would. but i did. ain't that fascinating? i don't know why, but i have this feeling that told me to not search for trouble anymore. i don't know if i liked to do that, but then, when i can see what it had bring me, i smiled. seriously. maybe i like to be liked (as in, friends) ? i am not sure. i hate school, well the homework part. "But, the pleasure that love can bring is great enough for you to not feel the thousands of suffering." WANTASTICO-LOCO.
Monday, March 30, 2009
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we borrowed heaven
The heat of, summer sunshine, i miss youhey! so i got it. yeah, i'm talking about my oral test just now. it was uh-may-zeeng. i love my teacher. lol.that's all i thinkWANTASTICOOOO <3finefine. i gogo. i shoohshooh, byebye. like nobody else in the heat of, summer sunshine, i kiss you, and nobody needs to know
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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never mind them
if i just breathe, every little piece of me, you'll see, everything is alrightI don't know what to do. i haven't got anything ready for my speech. i want to get my 'A' for my oral test sooo bad. :) i haven't got much to tell lately and so i feel bad about it. : )i've been driving for an hour, just talking to the rain.WANTASTICO
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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no way
hope you know it's not easy for me. i never would have thought it would be this hard. seriously. hari ni okay lah sekolah, it's my second day. i got close with the person besode me, unlike yesterday. bye bye.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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Don't have to remember to breathe
We know it's never simple never easy, never a clean break, no one here to save meSo it's gonna be my first day of high school today. Hi to my new friend called 'Nervous'. wish me luck. i do need it :)WANTASTICO
Monday, March 23, 2009
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if i'm not the one, she's not either >:(
I'm looking for a lover not a friend, someone who can be there when i need someone to talk to
Hey, i decided on something. i want to be a psycho therapist. or if that is not possible, a business woman should be great!
Jeng jeng jeng jeng.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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i should have done this earlier
i'm looking for someone who won't pretend, somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you i like me int he picture. well it's up to you to judge yani and saf's hahahaha! we can only see Ayah Chik's children in the picture. and you can only see my chin, oh well Siblings ; the three out of five of us. "i know, kak wai looks so weird -__-" - Qai
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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i wrote this for you
There's a palace in the south of France, where only the lonely people learn to dance.
i don't like my life, okay some part yeah, it's fine, but the other part, the happiness is hardly seen. tell me about it.
i don't have any high expectations about high school, i know that there will always have dramas going on, and i will try as hard to blend into the background. i had never seen myself in a situation where everyone surrounding me, cause that is just unimaginable, if that happens, it would be a struggle to find any source of oxygen.
right now i am searching for the best possible excuse for me to not talk to anyone, for example like watching a movie or busy helping my mom, although it's obviously fake. never mind, i'll just say to them i'm not feeling too good. would that be acceptable? maybe they will ask me what is the matter. i need to have a reason, don't i? well, the reason doesn't matter lah, why do they have to care at the first place?
eh you, i'm talking about you la! -___-
ish i'm so pissed off right now, you said you care, but now dah ada orang lain tak pulak. menyampah, seriously
okay la, that's all. i tgh panaskan the hair curler, and dah lama sangat it's burning the carpet
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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One Love,
One Love, The memories are beautiful.
No, sorry, i don't hate him only, now i hate another person who is getting on my nerves, he think he's funny lah sangat?
why must everything be wrong wrong wrong nowadays?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
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These Feelings Shall Last
we may be a thousand years apart, but you'll still have my heart.
i hate him. like a thousand of weird looking animals. i am not kidding.
anyway, i got a new-tastico number. i don't bother about it anymore,first of course i was excited cause at last, i can text again. but bummer i am so urgh.
right now i feel like hitting this really slow laptop. i want to go back to japan. i don't want to see anyone, i repeat, ANYONE ANYMORE,
this is like, torture
Saturday, March 21, 2009
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should i not let you go?
Bby, You belong with me.anyway, i slept at right after midnight, and i woke up in cold sweat hours later and couldn't sleep at all after that happened. i decided something, after all the thinking and the bad dreams, i shouldn't think about it anymore. i should give up. i know, right? i should have from the start. you know some people might think i'm stupid for saying this, but thanks a lot, for making me feel really stupid.now clap your hands and say brava, i deserve it.
Friday, March 20, 2009
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you cried infront of me because of her.
hey and what's down? i saw yanie just now, with faiz and nazri, hey and it reminds me of yesterday when i went out with Yanie, Nad, Qas, Alyssa, Nazri, Faiz, Haziq, Hilal, Asha, Syasya, Erica, Intan and so on. but it all get awkward. -___- we went ice skatin but my feet is telling not to. it even bled to proof to me that it hurts too much. so i decided not to. but it was really fun, i guess. just now i saw danial and alif too, they were obviously avoiding me, i don't care about danial but i don't know why alif needs to avoid me all the time, he wasn't as bad. i mean, avoiding someone is highly immature, ooh, yesterday i tried to avoid someone too. to be honest i didn't feel as much comfortable being there cause it seems as if people are talking about me and kept looking at me, not in a good way though, did i do something wrong? but that is all :) ciaociao now WANTASTICOp/s: i feel awkward with basch now, help?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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if now is the right time
So i'm back :) okay guess what? i kena pergi sekolah on thursday or after a week of holiday. i don't know which to choose. :( i want to go, but at the same time i'm scared!
now next, i found out Basyir, yes, that basyir ada GF. wow la wey. she is nice! i talked to her with basyir. she is form one, the same age as me, which made it more weirder cause haha, dia ada GF yg the same age as i am, wow right? but i don't mind at all. i like her :) good for you brother ;P
I LOVE YOU, Wantastico.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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USJ 12 here again, and again
so i got here last night, boy it was hot here. i mean, i almost passed out. well, nearly. we thought no one was going to pick us up, until i saw a small girl with shoulder length hair with spectacles, it was lisa. and just beside her was Dada. i saw Kelly too. but that was it. yani came with Abg Zizi afterwards. this evening i went to USJ 12 park as usual, i went walking with Lyssa. there's a boy ( i frgt his name,srry) and Zamil. they were following us,and i gotta admit they're not really good at spying and stuff cause it's so obvious tht they were there at the time. then i saw Harris (harris class, not harris Sufian ^^)with his blue football clothings. i said hi to him and he said hi, bla bla/ i saw Eu Win walking with his friend Walter. sheesh. he was sooo sombong man. e didn't even say hi. we continued to walk till i saw Yanie, Fadhil, Nazri and Nadiana, we walked and talked. i sure miss those days ^^ okay so that's all i guess Loves Lots, Wantastico
Saturday, March 07, 2009
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i read what i had posted, and i got so many mistakes, grammar, bla bla bla. just look, for example : "and she got marks just below her lips, so the filming was delayed and everybody has to wait for next week to watch the eighteenth," it's wrong!!! >:( grrrrr ;...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
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Missed me?
well, you won't now, i'm here again, and i will be here again, sooner or later!okay so guess what? i'm going back home, lada di daaa. yes yes, tomorrow tomorrow, or in other words, the day after tomorrow, but it sounds so scary it hurts.so i watched BBF till the 17th episodes, everyone was supposed to watch til ep 18, but since the main character, hye sun got into an accident, and she got marks just below her lips, so the filming was delayed and everybody has to wait for next week to watch the eighteenth, what's really bothering me is that there is only two episodes each week, and i CAN"T POSSIBLY WAIT, i've been trying to watch other dramas as well, but i failed, and it's heartbreakingokay, so bla bla bla let's move on!all these while i've been going out a lot, i thought i lost at least a kg, but as it turns out, the weight machine thingy was broken and so i think i gained weight instead.anyway, i surely can't hope more than just wait, if the pd is going to make it more interesting and different, it would capture many people's attention, don't you think?as for soeul (kak wai don't read this might annoy you)i think the PD is going to change the story, and they might end up together, like seriously, people are depending on the pd, and so as usual, he is really tertekan, you know?even jihoo and jandi fans are going crazy because of the scenes they have with each other, so not only jandi and junpyo fans, but also yi jung and ga eul, jihoo and jandi and even jaekyung and junpyo!!! KimBumLovesMeLotsAndLots Wantastic
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
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