So despite the fact that i'm a lazybum and i should be doing homework, i actually am obsessed over Sony Vegas 9.0 For real. I am obsessed. Everytime i turn on thie computer, I would click on MSN, Google Chrome, Sony Vegas 9, Photoshop CS4, and on google chrome i'd open up Google, Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, MY HEART, Dafont, Blogspot, Blogskins, AIWID, RW, Twitter, and if im happy enough, Formspring.
Oh did i mention i love photoshop too? Okay honesly, both photoshop and SV are giving me headaches, and i think my hair is about to fall, and it'd give me deeper eyebags, but who the heaven cares right. And i keep on downloading stuff, like fonts. People might stare at me and say "Why do you download fonts?" But actually fonts are awesome.
I'm not the only one going insane. This computer is too,.
Thursday Thursday, February 18, 2010 back to top?