Today we watched Valentine's day, it was fine i guess, maybe i liked it because of the whole enthusiastic audience, or maybe because of the casts that i've known from other movies. But over all it was a very sweet , funny movie. Definitely worth watching. If i had to rate it , i'd say 7.5/10? maybe? Well, it's in the matter of opinion. it's PG 13, so yeah. Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, are very good actors and actresses. The others are too. The movie is quite predictable, very lovey-dovey ish. But, it's valentines day, what do you expect right? (:
And actually i have to admit, i do like Taylor Swift's acting. Especially the scene on the elevator with Jennifer Garner. She was that innocent bimbo-ish girl. HAHA.
I won't want to spoil the whole thing for you. So go see it yourself! Taylor Lautner was also cute in the movie. Seriously, i don't take him as "Hot", he's just plain cute! (: Both of them looked seriously cute in the movie.
And and, the actors and actresses are very good looking HEHEHE. i have crushes on most of the guys in the movie. HAHAHAHAHA.
On GOSH! Help me, Justin Bieber's song "Baby", is stuck in my head =.= I'm not a hater, i'm not a lover. But HAHAHA, of all songs, it must be that song. XD
Tuesday Tuesday, February 16, 2010 back to top?