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Take my breath away
Depths of Mind

I had been pretty messed up lately. I've been hallucinating lately. I've been daydreaming lately. Oh I've also been smiling to myself lately.

Yesterday i wanted to post a new blogpost, but decided not to when i thought over what Aziq said to me when i asked why he didn't want to blog. "I don't think i have time to post everyday!" i told him, "You don't have to post everyday, Aziq", and he replied "Well, it seems you post everyday (Based on what i'm seeing on yr blog)"

Or something like that. Pshyeah.

Well, yesterday I went to the movies with Mama, KJnnh, Jaddid. We watched the Christmas Carol, (Sorrryyy Mai!) :) Well yeah It was okay, but it's kind of boring since i knew what was going to happen already, I mean,it's literature classic by Charles Dickens, who doesn't know that.

That night KNjh and also Jaddid played Sims 3, and they made their own clone. Which was funny, since we were arguing about it.

"Ei, Kak Najah punya mata lagi kecik lah." , "Ei Jaddid punya hidung lagi besar lah," and whatnot. I kept on laughing, the whole night. But they got tired, fell asleep and i had to continue where they left off while listening to Stevie Wonder.

So today I'm going outtt with Nadia to MidValley. :) Hope it will be fun (heck i'm sure it will be fun) :D

So i'll edit this later when i get back home.


President Megat Ashran
Nadiana Edora
Sharifah Aliah
Aziq Kamarudzaman
Wan Ruqaiyah
Marsya Maisarah
Wan Amira Balqis
Jillian Ng
Low Yuen Min
Natasha Roslan
Wan Lukman Hadi
Muhammad Azman
Akmal Hafizuddin
Siti Atikah
Nur Hasheema

NEW MOON!. It's maybe going to be either on the night of 26th or 27th november, alright? Tell them to call (YANIE) for information and confirmation. :D

Hope many could come.

Sunday Sunday, November 22, 2009 back to top?
Layout coded by Nicole.
Icons from thefadingnight and touchthevelvetsk-y, Colors from ColorLovers