Hello! Sorry i haven't updated. Well, i have lots to tell about what happened two days ago. I can't tell much about it, but yeah, i'll tell you some.
We went to Yanie's house, and she told some unexpected thing *keningkening. We slept over at her house, her mom bought some doughnuts, and aliah ate it, she said it was her first time eating dougnut in her life. EVER! I also ate Sarawak's laksa cooked by Yanie's mom it was delicious! :)
We watched Titanic, and it made me laugh seeing Aliah cry (since it was her first time watching titanic), it was my first time watching the whole movie too, but I've watched the ending a lot of times so i guess i got used to it so i didn't cry.
Before we went to sleep, Aliah and I had that talk, and yeah i cannot talk about it since it's all secrets. It's almost the first time i told almost everything to someone, and i am glad i told it to Aliah
Alright then we went back home, went to school and i was glad to see Nuri! But we weren't glad to not see puteri =.=
"She betrayed us!" Nuri laughed.
Well it went something like that. But then we went to class as usual. Before rehat was a little, boring and i was really cranky cause i was sleepy. But after rehat was a little more interesting xD
Too bad puteri isnt there.
Yanie borrowed me sims3, thank you yanie. But because of it, i got malas to write a new post, lol.
That was most of it, but yeah I AM REALLY SCARED. i havent told mama yet. I am going to miss 1 Cyberlink class, there was a lot of memories, the first day i was there, i was so quiet, but now they say that the class is going to be boring without my loud voice lol. I love 1 cyberlink :) Thank goodness there is no streaming. But the class itself is what im going to miss the most. The laughters, the angry teachers shouting, i could still hear it.
Good luck SPM-ers, especially to my sister :) Good luck, UPSR-ers, especially to my cousin saf, and juniors of SK USJ 12. and Harris haha
I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard
I like the way I cant keep my focus
I watch you talk, you didnt notice
I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together
Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, Ill shine for you
Friday Friday, November 13, 2009 back to top?